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Theory of learning

Writer: Nimesh GautamNimesh Gautam

Lets supose x as you and y as others observer

Direction d

X is riding a bike and turning in d

X is moveing in high speed , X thinks that X can reach its destination without coliding fully focused / disturbed

But y dosent knows that where x is hedading

Y thinks X is going to colide in something.

That is what is in y subconscious or Conscious mind


X colides in front of y

Y reacts immediately

In y subconscious y fills

dont move fast y will colide as x

And if x dont colide ,

y dosent care

y does what y was doing.

At the end dose X care what y is thinking no

Where did X reach, x final destination achive what x thought, x is happy

y achived nothing if y didn't lernt from x

Normally y don't think about X anymore

Y is in same place doing same thing

X is successful, x could fail but x didnt

X should learn from Y

And Y should learn from X

That is balance as nature is working

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